90 Day Money Back Guarantee

1. Eligibility

  • This offer is valid for all new subscribers of Kollo Healths Premium Liquid Collagen only.
  • The offer is available for customers located in the United Kingdom
  • Refund requests must be made within the 90-day period from the initial subscription purchase date.
  • This offer is valid for one individual per address only.

2. Guarantee Period

  • The 90-day money-back guarantee applies for 90 days from the date of your first subscription purchase.
  • To qualify for the money-back guarantee, subscribers must use Kollo Health premium liquid collagen consistently for at least 60 days within the 90-day period.

3. Refund Criteria

  • If, after using Kollo Health supplements consistently for 60 days, the customer experiences no improvement or significant health benefits, they are eligible to request a refund for the full amount they have consumed.
  • Refunds can be requested based on the lack of noticeable improvement to skin, hair, or nails or general well being
  • Refunds must be requested within the 90-day period following the initial subscription date.

4. Refund Value and Product Limitation

  • The refund value is limited to no more than 60 Days worth of product.
  • Refunds apply only to a 60 Days supply and do not include additional costs such as free boxes, shipping, taxes, or any other related fees.
  • If more than 60 Days worth of product is purchased during the 90-day period, only the value equivalent to a 60 Days supply will be refunded.
  • Any introductory gifts may be kept by the customer.

5. Documented Proof of Use

The benefits of Kollo Health products are achieved through consistent daily use, as supported by clinical studies of our key ingredient. To be eligible for the money-back guarantee, customers must use the product daily and provide documented proof of consistent use for a minimum of 60 consecutive days. Acceptable documentation includes the submission of individual digital time-stamped photographs or videos that clearly show daily consumption of our supplement over the 60-day period.

Failure to provide sufficient proof, or the submission of falsified or incomplete documentation, will result in disqualification from receiving a refund.

6. Refund Process

To initiate a refund, subscribers must:

  1. Submit a refund request within the 90-day guarantee period through our customer service.
  2. Provide documented proof of consistent use for 60 days.
  3. Clearly describe the lack of improvement or benefits experienced.

Upon receipt of the request and proof, Kollo Health will review the information and process the refund within 10 business days, provided all conditions are met.

7. Exclusions

  • This offer is only valid for new subscribers and does not apply to one-time purchases, previous subscribers, or products outside the subscription.
  • Refunds will be issued only for purchases made directly through the Kollo Health website.
  • Any claims involving falsified or insufficient proof of use will be void.

8. Changes to the Offer

  • Kollo Health reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. However, changes will not affect current subscribers already participating in the offer.

9. Limitation of Liability

  • Kollo Health is not liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the product, beyond the refund value specified.

10. Governing Law

  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.